This was a 300% opportunity last week šŸ’°

People thought I was crazy when I made this call

Hey Folks, as my Cowboys have a bye week I had some time to reflect on the 80s todayā€¦

ā€œI guess you guys arenā€™t ready for that yet,ā€ Marty said to a stunned crowd of teenagers at a school dance after heā€™d riffed his guitar solo. ā€œBut your kids are gonna love it.ā€ 

I got to thinking (OK, maybe it was more like geeking, but can you blame me?!) about that old classic - Back to the Future - this morning after spotting news that a 1981 DeLorean was unearthed in a barn in Wisconsin.

The carā€™s older than the movie!

This is perhaps the best piece of product placement advertising we have ever seen. And DeLorean somehow managed to botch this and went into bankruptcy.

What a shame.

But because I am ALWAYS thinking about the markets, even when Iā€™m geeking out about something else, I was also pondering the current bond market.

I know the temptation to tune out when I talk about stuff like ā€œbonds,ā€ but hang with me, because this is really important!

With yields hitting 5.26% on Thursday, I wondered what bond prices were like back in 1981 and 1985 when the DeLorean and Marty McFly were in their heyday.

In 1981, the 10-year Treasury yield was 13.92%!


The Fed funds rate for that year?


šŸ¤Æ šŸ¤Æ

In 1985, the numbers were a bit better. Weā€™re talking 10.62% on the 10-year with Fed rates at 8.10%.

Nothing like some perspective!

Still, todayā€™s yields ā€“ between 5.29% and 5.42% on the 10-year ā€“ and Fed Funds rates ā€“ at 5.25% to 5.50% ā€“ are a significant source of anxiety for investors and bondholders.

After decades of free money, thatā€™s unsurprising.

Markets are not taking kindly to this worry.

Thatā€™s not going to change anytime soon unless one thing happensā€¦

This is important to hear and understand ā€“ which is why Iā€™m pounding the table on this point ā€“ so Iā€™ll say it again.

The market will continue to trend lower until bonds reverse course.

With all the fear in the world, will this happen? Absolutely.

People pay me a lot of money to help them learn to identify short-term market trends.

Here is a freebie you can take notes on right now, and then thank me for in a few weeks.

Combining my 20+ years of market experience with new AI technology is a potent combination.

You wonā€™t catch me buying the market anytime soon, until we see a few things change in the chart above on the QQQ.

I need to see several hours of prices back above the 20-hour moving average AND I want to see a cluster of ā€œGOā€ signals.

When I see that, my members will be the first to knowā€¦ and Iā€™ll be pushing a LOT of chips back on the table.

None of this will happen until we see a reversal in bond prices, however. That is what is driving the whole market right now.

You see, I reckon bond buyers are actually making a bid that will position them for significant gains when things snap back ā€“ as they always do. What theyā€™re seeing is a Treasury yield wrongly forecasting inflation. Once the true inflation picture wins out, those bond buyers will make out like bandits.

Look, Iā€™m not saying rush out and buy bonds! (personally, I donā€™t think weā€™ve seen the bottom yet)

What I am saying is that we can expect markets to trend lower and stay choppy for a while yet.

Does this mean we all have to endure more weeks of stock losses while we wait for the markets to turn higher?

Well, not for me! And if youā€™re smart, you wonā€™t have to either!

I am actually having one of my best months of the year right now.

Members of mine have been seeing every single trade I make along the way, and they have been learning an incredible amount about navigating in difficult times.

How can you start fixing your sloppy trading right now?

You can start by learning from a trading veteran whoā€™s been doing this for more than 20 years. (hint: Thatā€™s me!)

As usual, my Bullseye Trades strategy has been on šŸ”„!

This is my single, highest-conviction trade idea for the week ahead.

Just this last week, I emailed members my trade-of-the-week gameplan for Nvidia (NVDA).

I wroteā€¦

For NVDA this week, I would like to see the stock bounce higher, so I can get a better price on the puts I want to buy. That might not happen, so I plan to start with a small position sometime today, and then wait for a bounce to near $460 to add to this position.

If Iā€™m wrong on this trade, I will stop out with a closing price above $470.

If things go my way, I plan to look for a breakdown to around $435 as target #1 and then $420 as target #2 to profit.

Hereā€™s what happened nextā€¦

Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically

If you saw NVDA this past week, you saw it nosedive.

For investors who were not prepared for it, this was a devastating week of losses.

For me and my Bullseye team, this was a huge week of opportunity!

I personally made 100% overnight on my trade, and I played it too safe!

This trade had the potential to make over 300% if I held it into the end of the week!

What would a trade like that have done for your portfolio?!

On Monday, I will share the details and my trade plan of the next Bullseye Trade of the Week.

As you might guess, I am not betting on the markets to go higher.

If you want my top idea for this week, you better hurry and get on this list right away.

If you donā€™t want to get in on this trade idea, thatā€™s ok too ā€“ I will be sure to brag about it next weekend though and you can see what happened then! šŸ˜‚

Get on board right away, and you wonā€™t have to care if yields go ā€œback to the future.ā€

Hereā€™s to YOUR success,

P.S. If you have any questions about how you can get added to my ā€œBullseye Tradesā€ šŸŽÆprogram, just call Jeff Brown @ 800-585-4488 or email ([email protected]), and he would be happy to talk about any special offers, payment plans, and help you in any way possible.

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