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- I almost threw in the towel on this trade
I almost threw in the towel on this trade
Sticking to my game plan saved me đź’°

My most under the radar service – Bullseye Unlimited 🎯🎯🎯
(AKA Bullseye on Steroids!)
My LEN idea…MONEY – no I didn’t say that, one of my members did in chat today!

Love the positive feedback 🫶 →
Like Sean, YOU can get my 3 best trade plans every day!
Keep reading for more👇
Hey Folks!
I saw a headline last night saying investors “tapped the brakes” into the close because the road ahead isn’t as easy or clear to see as we’d all like. Talk about stating the obvious!
Investors have clearly been in a good mood lately, and there’s ample reason to believe we may be witnessing an early onset of the annual Santa Claus rally.
Still, being only the second week of November, and there being so many swords in play across the local and geopolitical landscape, it’s hard to say for certain.
I can’t find the exact article now, of course, but it definitely caught my attention because the expression triggered a story I once heard from a competitive cyclist. She told me that when you’re freewheeling at 60 miles per hour around corners as you race downhill, if you so much as tap your brakes, you’re liable to come crashing down.
The same is true in motor racing. And, I reckon, with investing and trading as well.
That’s why, when I plan my trades, I analyze the technicals and charts I have access to… I delve into the company’s fundamentals and earnings reports… I set realistic and stretch profit targets… I set up my risk management strategy, including what stops will get me out of a trade before too much damage is done should it turn against me… and I bring all of my 20-plus years of trading experience to bear.
In short, I prepare myself in every way possible so that, once I’m in the trade, I don’t need to tap the breaks… especially when I’m in a good trade.
The last thing I want to do is abandon a trade because I got nervous… or panicked.
A great example of this was a trade I shared with my Bullseye members last week.
My Trade Plan Details:
ZS Nov 17, 2023 $165 calls near $3.50
Stop: Close under $151
Target 1: $165
Target 2: $170
In just five days, I was out of the trade with a little less than 100% profits (maybe I am spoiled, but I am always “disappointed” making anything less than 100%!)
Look, trading is hard. Results are never guaranteed. But, if I’d hesitated at any time during last week, I could have royally screwed up that trade… or missed out on doubling my money.
I had a good game plan in place, and I stuck to it – even when it felt “uncomfortable.”
See how I told members that my stop was $151? (and I had a good reason for that number)
Well, the stock reached $152, and it would have been easy to get scared and throw in the towel on this trade… but that would have been right at the bottom!
The thing is, it’s “easy” for me to sit here and tell you about how important planning and execution is in trading. That’s because I’ve been doing this for so long you could probably wake me up in the middle of the night and I could answer any questions you throw at me, no matter how bleary-eyed I am. (Don’t do that though, please. I like my sleep.)
(Note: If you’re not yet in my flagship service, Bullseye Trades join HERE now for my Monday pick of the week!)
But while it’s “easy” for me, it’s by no means an easy thing to do.
Trading is my passion. It’s why I wake up every morning and spend around half of my day, every day – including weekends – crunching numbers, incorporating AI into my trading strategy, and doing everything in my power to not only grow my wealth but help my Bullseye Unlimited members do the same.
My Bullseye Unlimited members get 15 trade plans from me every week. I send them three every weekday.
On Monday, I laid out my hypotheses for where I expect the stocks of FDX, WMT, and LLY to go this week. So far, two of the three are doing exactly as I anticipated.
This morning, I emailed members my latest three trade plans. It’s too early to tell how those are performing.
It doesn’t matter.
I know the course.
I know my plan.
I’m confident and have no need to even think about the brakes, let alone tap them.
Tomorrow is a new day, and Bullseye Unlimited members will get their next three trades for the week.
Make sure you’re counted among that number so you can trade confidently, with no thought of brakes.
(If you’re in Bullseye → Upgrade to Bullseye Unlimited today for more great daily trading action!!!)
Here’s to YOUR success and see you on the inside,

P.S. If you’re not in Bullseye Unlimited yet, hit up Jeff Brown at 1-800-585-4488 or [email protected]. He can answer any questions you have and help set you up faster than Neil Armstrong careening down the side of the Alps with nothing but latex, a plastic helmet, and unwavering confidence separating him from the tarmac.
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