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- Apologies – chat room sabotaged today
Apologies – chat room sabotaged today
Working on fixing

Apologies for today. It Looks like our chat room was infiltrated, this is not a great way to start off the day and I had to SOS my company as follows:

But all kidding aside, happy Halloween!
And besides trick-or-treating, I’m particularly looking forward to all the post-Halloween candy sales (especially Reese’s!) 🤗….yeah!
You know what also has been on sale recently?
In other words…it’s been one of the worst multi-week stretches I can remember.
In fact, it’s been the longest losing streaks (3 straight months of declines) since the start of 2016.
And while I am not completely convinced that we are oversold enough to be completely out of the woods, my 20+years of trading experience told me at the start of the week that the time was right to shift gears and look for at least a market rebound this week.
That’s right.
To prep my members for my best trade idea this week over in Bullseye, I said, ”My whole idea for ZS this week hinges on the tech market (QQQ) holding up and having at least a minor recovery this week.”
And so far, my intuition and my indicators have been correct.
So what am I seeing that leads me to believe that the market may not be done falling?
Well, let Uncle Jeff here school you on just a couple of things:
First, when we think of market bottoms, we think of traders simply giving up and throwing in the towel on long positions.
That “capitulation” in sentiment is a critical part of the process, and right now one of the key sentiment gauges I follow simply has not fallen as far as it has prior to previous bottoms.

Don’t get me wrong, there is no guarantee that sentiment has to become more bearish.
But, when I combine the lack of capitulation with the fact that QQQ only recently signaled the start of a new downtrend, Uncle Jeff has to trade with expectations that any rallies will be sold into until the market proves otherwise.

But as a seasoned trader, someone who has seen the market transition from bull to bear so many times before, I operate with 100% confidence in the strategies I have developed to benefit from this volatility.
While I am proud of the fact that my ONE best trade idea this week is already working out with shares of ZS bouncing higher, after last week’s best trade idea in MARA calls absolutely crushed it (see chart below), these are just examples of my one best trade idea each week.
Take a look at the move in my Bullseye Trade idea from last week:

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically
Now…in contrast…over in my Alpha Hunter service, I am making multiple trades per week!
And, during one of the worst 4-week periods for many retail investors, I am about to close the month with $17,437 in profits (trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically)!!!
As part of my promise for full disclosure, my trade results are all right here for you to view for yourself.
I started the Alpha Hunter Challenge back in July with two goals:
To make $120K in a single year by selling options and keeping an average trade size (around $3000 each).
To teach all my subscribers the PRECISE method I’m using to do it.
In case you were wondering, my Alpha Hunters and I are right on track with an accumulated profit of $40,306 in the portfolio!
Folks, November is about to start, and you know what that means.
It means that your time to get in on my next reset for a new month is about to pass you by AGAIN.
Just so you don’t let this happen to you, I’m offering a LIFETIME membership for a select few!
BUT I’m wrapping this special deal up Wednesday @market close!!!
Folks, that’s TOMORROW’s close!😱
At last count, I only had 26 spots left.
To YOUR success,

P.S. As an existing RB member, it’s always worth giving Jeff Brown a call at 1-800-585-4488 and to see what kind of deal you can get or any payment plans he can set up. Or if you're a bit shy and introverted just drop Jeff a line at [email protected])!
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