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- Armstrong’s #1 trading lesson (it’s not doping) 💉🚴
Armstrong’s #1 trading lesson (it’s not doping) 💉🚴
When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher

🪓 Step into Jeff Williams' War Room 🔪
Catch every twist of the Nuclear Trading Challenge.
Hey Gang!
I’m pretty sure if I write 🖋️ the word “Fed” one more time this morning, my head (and probably yours) will explode!
The Fed holds their secretive little meetings 8 times a year. And every time they happen, it is the news item of the day, and maybe we give it too much importance.
It’s an important day, for sure. Now let me tell you what’s going to happen.
Rates are likely to stay steady, there is virtually no chance that Powell & co are going to raise rates anytime soon. In fact, the market is predicting FOUR rates cuts in 2024, though the market is bad at forecasting those, so take it with a grain of salt.
And at this point, I’ve talked about this enough… at least for a few hours. So let’s use this time to talk about something else, shall we?
How about…October!?!
The upcoming month is historically the most volatile 🎢 of the year.
Yesterday I told you how the S&P 500 recently closed for the 100th straight session without a drop of at least 1.5%. Volatility has been strangely absent.
With tame market moves like we have seen, it is easy to get lulled into complacency as a trader.
With the VIX printing just 14 right now, we’re under typical levels for September. But, that means there’s room for volatility to move higher.
Stocks won’t like that!
But I’ll repeat: Both environments make for exciting trading. They make for difficult trading as well.
So let me hit you with a gem 💎of an insight that will change how much you worry about volatility - or any trading, for that matter.
Are you ready for this?
The most important part of learning how to trade comes from the losses.
Wait! WHAT?! It’s true.
Wins are fun, obviously. They’re what we want, as often as possible.
But losses are what hone our minds, our instincts, and our strategies. Losses breed bigger, better, and more frequent wins!
For real! Think of it this way…
When I was learning to ride a bicycle when I was 4, I fell often. I fell hard! It hurt like crazy. I didn’t like that. So I practiced harder 💪 until eventually I didn’t fall as much. I wouldn’t say I don’t ever fall. Whoever invented those cleats cyclists use nowadays to lock your feet into the pedals should be drawn and quartered. But I sure as heck don’t fall as much.
You could say that it wasn’t so much learning to ride my bike as it was learning not to fall off my bike.
It’s the same with baseball. You learn pretty quickly to catch that ball rather than use your body as a wall.
Football. The faster you learn to avoid the mistakes that get your body tackled or crushed or booed off the field, the better you get at playing the game.
In the same way, I don’t fear trading losses! I use them to learn and do better. And that’s what I teach my Bullseye Traders and my Alpha Hunters. And I put my own money on the line to do it.
By its very nature, trading is about wins and losses. With training, you can win more and limit those losses more.
Here’s an example…
I’ve had some great wins in some trades lately. LLY shot out the gate and soared almost 500%. Sure, I grabbed only 70% of that moonshot, but it’s a win.
I also traded the ARM IPO last week and made out like a bandit on that one as well.
And in my Alpha Hunter service, I’ve booked nearly $30,000 in less than three months. I am well on my way to my goal of $120,000 in 12 months. I need an average of $10,000 a month. You can follow my progress here because I embrace 100% #transparency.
But look at my results from August…
See how not every trade was a win?
I’m OK with that! Every loss taught me something that I’m using to hone my trading skills.
So here’s what I want you to do as we crawl through this boring September: Embrace your trading losses. Harness them to limit future losses and increase your gains.
Remember that trading is hard. It’s supposed to be. Use that to your advantage! As Lance Armstrong, the infamous cyclist once said, “To be a cyclist is to be a student of pain.” He also said…
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever!
He’s a smart guy. You should apply those wisdoms to your trading and you’ll be better off for it.
You should also grab this no-brainer opportunity to watch and trade along as I march steadily, inexorably toward that $120,000. I only have limited space for more padawans and they’re filling up fast.
I’m not going to dangle some clever trading gimmick in front of you. 🥕
If you want to learn how I approach each month and try to hit my $10,000 goal (using relatively small trades) then you need to make the move to join me.
I am going to quietly keep attacking my goal and sharing the process and exact trades I am making with my 1000’s of existing Alpha Hunter subscribers.
If you are doing better than me and don’t need more trade ideas, new option trading strategies, and brand new opportunities… that’s totally fine!
I would actually be really happy for you if you are beating my performance.
But if you are like a vast majority of traders, the markets continue to get the best of you. There is no problem admitting it, just make the move to fix it!
So as we head into a volatile October, I have my radar primed to find those opportunities that I plan to grab. And I’ll be wearing my trading “safety gear” to bounce back from the inevitable potholes.
Because I want you to succeed in your trading, because I don’t want you to let fear hold you back, I am authorizing a special deal for my email subscribers.
Here’s to YOUR success,

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