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Don’t make this the new thing you hate yourself for missing...

🚨Time is ticking down to register

*together with Pacaso

Hey Guys & Gals, Jason Bond here - aka Jeff’s first student!

Look… Everyone has the ‘thing’ they kick themselves for.

Not buying Apple. Or Amazon. Or Nivia. Or Bitcoin.

Name anyone of the kingmaker investments and a football stadium of sighs will follow. 

But, recently, I achieved a goal on par with buying one of these heavy hitters…

Starting with a $2,000 account in November of 2023, I grew that sum to a whopping $70,000 in just shy of 15 months.

That’s 35-fold growth.

In its best year recently, Bitcoin only rallied 2,100%

You would have had to buy the S&P in the 1980s to achieve that kind of growth today.

And I did it by following one signal.

A signal that helped me nail winning trades with near-90% accuracy.

I know - almost perfect accuracy and 3,500% growth in a little over a year.

It sounds outrageous.

But as I’m going to demonstrate LIVE on Wednesday, February 26th at 1PM EST… this is the reality I have been experiencing.

And as I embark on my newest, boldest campaign ever… to turn the $70,000 into $1 million…

I want folks to see exactly what I did…

To have the same tools and resources on hand…

And to learn, in real time, from the guy using them… and how.

All you have to do is click this link here to RSVP.

After that, all bets are off.


*together with Pacaso

Top Investors Are Buying This “Unlisted” Stock

When the team that grew Zillow to a $16B valuation starts a new company, investors notice. No wonder top firms like SoftBank invested in Pacaso.

Taking the industry by storm all over again, Pacaso’s platform offers co-ownership of premier properties – completely revamping a $1.3T market.

And by handing keys to 1,500+ happy homeowners, Pacaso has made $100M+ in gross profits.

Now, with aggressive global expansion underway, their current share price won’t last long.


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