Huge Gains Before Lunch 🥇

Fantastic chart inside…

We’re on a heater, folks! 🎲

After yesterday’s big score on IWM calls in Bullseye Trades (which had ANOTHER incredible day today), the new momentum stock idea I shared with you this morning had a huge day.

Remember, you got to see this before the market even opened today.

You watched the entire move on this beast from the very start…

A nearly perfect day, all before lunchtime. 

I want you to go back and study the price chart I sent you this morning. It is such a great pattern to learn from.

Key support levels on bullish stocks are one of my favorite types of setups.

This worked out really well today.  A great real-life lesson.

Now, let’s keep things going!

Tomorrow, I have a brand-new stock I am going to introduce to you.  

It is a recent IPO that is trading around $3 right now.

It’s been trading in a narrow range for a few weeks, and I think it could be ready to make a big move soon.

Tomorrow could be a very big day for the stock, and I know you’re going to want to see it from the very start.

If you want to get your hands on it first, you know the routine by now.

CLICK THIS LINK at exactly 9 am EST tomorrow.

That is a full 30 minutes before the market opens for you to look into this and do your own homework on it.

⏰ Go ahead and set a reminder to refresh this page at 9 a.m. tomorrow right now while you’re thinking about it.

I don’t want to give all the details away just yet, so check back in tomorrow, and I’ll give you the full scoop!

To Your Success,

Also…Tomorrow, I will launch a new experiment for members of my Alpha Hunter and Bullseye Unlimited services. I will focus on a single trade idea each day (just like I do on Mondays each week with Bullseye Trades) and trade that idea LIVE with my members in our exclusive trading room.

If you are not a member of either of these services, make sure you contact Davis Martin to sign up right away: 1-800-585-4488 or [email protected].


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