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  • Market Reversal Mastery – Learn the Ropes 🧗‍♂️

Market Reversal Mastery – Learn the Ropes 🧗‍♂️

How I handle rough days like this…

Ugh.  What an ugly market day today.

Of course, if you attended my live session yesterday or are a Bullseye Unlimited member, you saw me warn that a nasty move was likely coming.

I explained why this wasn’t just a “hunch,” but I was seeing some alarming signals from the charts I followed.

Here is a glimpse of what I sent to members yesterday, telling them my plan to buy QQQ puts before today’s carnage…

If you listened to my analysis, at a minimum you would have avoided market exposure today.

If you actually took the trade I laid out, you are having a pretty fantastic day today.

Those options I alerted are up a staggering 175% (and climbing) today….

While predicting the next market collapse is challenging, we should all improve our ability to know when to take profits.

This is one of the most common questions I get during my live training events, and I want to share with you how I manage it personally.

A great example is my trade on Carvana (CVNA) this week.

If you are a Bullseye Trades premium member, you know this was my top trading idea headed into this week.

It was the highest-conviction trade that I wanted to make with my own real-money trading account.

I shared this idea with everyone well before the market opened on Monday and explained why I was so enthusiastic about it.

My profit goal is typically 30-50%, and I reiterated that to members before the trading week started.  

I had a great plan in place and was ready to get to work!

Shortly after the opening bell on Monday, I made my move and bought the call options on CVNA that I told people about earlier that morning.

This was a really easy trade for me.

It just steadily climbed higher most of the morning and quickly hit my 50% profit goal in less than an hour, as you can see on the chart below…

While I considered holding this trade longer, and trying to wring out more profits, I stuck to my plan and locked up over $9000 in profits on CVNA quickly on Monday, as you can see from this screenshot from my trading account…

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Now, if you look at the chart above, you’ll also notice that I sold too early!

If I only held out another day, I could have more than doubled my profits!

Am I upset with that, or kicking myself for selling “too soon?”

Not at all!

I walked away with $9000 more in my account than I started the week with.  That was my goal, and I have no regrets sticking to my plan.

You’ll also notice that if I stuck around too long hoping for even more than the 100% potential gain, I could have given all of those profits back and more today as the market collapsed.

There is nothing worse than having a big gain, and giving it all back because you didn’t pull the trigger and cash it in.

That is the point I want to hammer home with you today – Make sure you have realistic profit goals and have the discipline to stick to it!

Another great example is the momentum stock idea I showed you on Tuesday.

I clearly told you to go to the “alerts page” at exactly 9am and get all the details on it before the market opened.

If you did, then you got to see this monstrous move happen in the first hour of trading…

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Here is another great example.  If you happened to be in this stock and saw it move 50% in less than an hour, would you sell it?

I hope the answer is “HELL YES!

Let’s be honest here… How much more can you hope for a stock to move?

If you saw a move like this and didn’t pull the trigger, you might have learned another important lesson as those gains slowly evaporated the rest of the day.

Personally, when I make a stock trade like this, I hope to make 10-20% on the upside and limit my losses to no more than 10% on the downside.

If a stock zoomed 50% higher, I would have had my limit orders to sell all triggered, and I would have been with a nice profit.

There is no chance I would stick around after a gift like that was given to me. 

My point again is to take those profits when you get them! 

The market is not your friend.  When you are given a nice chance to book profits, I think it makes a lot of sense to take them and wait for the next great setup.

Which brings me to my next point…

I’ve got another fast-moving trade idea I'll share with you tomorrow morning, again at exactly 9 a.m. EST.

All you need to do is set a reminder and then refresh this page.

I’ll share all the details on why I like it, as well as the price levels I think are important to watch.

I don’t know what’s going to happen with the markets or this stock tomorrow, but I can say that it is one of the better opportunities I see out there and you really should watch it as early as possible.

Maybe it will have a move similar to the 50%+ we saw on Tuesday?

It certainly has that kind of potential.  I know you don’t want to miss the chance to see it before the market opens.

I’ll be back in the morning with all the details of this new idea.

In the meantime, do me a favor… Remember to book those profits when a trade hits your goal!

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