Too much noise in trading?

Here's the fix 🛠️

Bullseye Blowout 🇺🇸

Hey Folks — I have a question for you.

What’s you ideal trading day look like?

Imagine this…

You plop down at your laptop. You see a trade idea. You decide to take it.

You already have clear targets to work with. So you log into your brokerage account, set up the trade, and then you close your laptop and go about your day.

Maybe you go golfing. Maybe you have a late breakfast with your spouse.

Maybe you go hang out on the beach in Aruba for the rest of the day, like this Bullseye member:

It’s up to you… because you now have the FREEDOM you want as a trader.

That’s what I’m delivering every Monday morning with Bullseye Trades.

We cut through all the noise that locks you to your computer screen all day long.

Instead, you get handed a single trade idea and reasoning behind it so you can decide if you want to take action.

Take a look at our most recent trade idea:

This is as straightforward as trading can get, right?

Takes minutes to set up, and you can enjoy the rest of your day.

Of course, this wouldn’t matter if the trades were terrible.

So let’s look at how this SPOT setup panned out for me:

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

A 50% profit in one day.

In hindsight I should have taken the full win but generally I like to sell half my position for about a 30-50% gain and let the rest ride.

This is what we refer to as trim & trail.  And that’s where it can get really spicy!

Every time I send out a Bullseye Trade on a Monday morning, I include:

  • The stock or ETF

  • The technical or fundamental analysis I’m basing my trade plan on

  • The EXACT trade (like you saw above)

  • The HOW and the WHY of the trade… so you can build your knowledge and make more trades if you want!

Imagine how free of a trader you would be if you had access to a trade plan that has delivered past potential gains like…

…150% on ELF (I was just aiming for 50%!)...

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

…30%-50% on VXTX…

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

…or 140% on CAVA:

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

I want you to have that freedom.

And in honor of the most independence-loving holiday of the year - the Fourth of July - we’re going to let you enjoy that freedom for a FULL MONTH for just $7.

Yes I said $7.

That’s right: for seven bucks, you can get four of these Bullseye Trades handed to you - one a week.

It’s the perfect way to try out the strategy and see if it truly frees you from all the distractions and noise that clog up the markets.

It’s your turn.

Take advantage of it.

To YOUR success (and freedom),


Questions or concerns about our products? Email © Copyright 2022, RagingBull


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