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- đź“Š New Market Highs, But Watch Out!
đź“Š New Market Highs, But Watch Out!
It is a stock-picker’s market…
*together with Brooks Enterprises
Can an AI trading bot hunt for the best trades 24 hours a day?
Stephen Brooks says YES with his Trade Fusion system.
Well, what do you know? Another day, another new all-time high for the market.
This is kind of getting old now, isn’t it? LOL
While it seems like this is an easy market to trade and everything is going up, it only appears that way on the surface.
When you look deeper, there is a big disparity in the market right now.
While the media will trumpet the “new highs for the market” tonight on the news, you won’t find anyone sounding the warning alarm like me.
When the market is the most optimistic, you should be on guard.
If you own any of these stocks that made new 52-week LOWS today, you probably aren’t celebrating the market’s gains today… 🤮
When I see lists of great companies like this making new lows, it definitely makes me pause. Personally, I am not getting too aggressive with new trades like I have been over the last two months.
I am very selective with my trades and quickly cut them loose when they don’t work.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t some great trades out there.
For example, look at this trade alert I sent out to my mobile alert subscribers this morning…
This had great trading action all day long, and I still think it has enormous potential ahead of it.
By the way, if you are still not on this list, do it right now – It won’t cost you a thing.
Just send me a text message right now, and you’ll get added to the list.
Text the word “RAGE” to 1- (888) 404-5747 📲
It will take you less than a minute, and then you’ll be all set.
Do it right now because I have another big alert coming out in the morning.
I have been watching this stock rally all week long. I wish I had alerted it sooner, but I was honestly waiting for a pullback.
There just haven’t been any meaningful dips to buy into, and I think it could really launch from here.
I don’t want you to miss it, so here’s what you need to do:
📲 Join the mobile alerts service by texting “RAGE” to 1- (888) 404-5747 (make sure to add “1” in the front)
📬 Check your email before the market opens so you are prepared for the day ahead.
⏰ Be the first to get access to the new idea by setting a reminder to refresh this page at exactly 9am EST tomorrow. That is when I will drop all of the details on this new stock.
As I said, this has been a very fast-moving stock this week. I expect tomorrow to be the same.
While I could have been buying this one up today, I don’t own any shares of this stock yet.
I want to make sure that you have access to all the info first, so you can make the best decision on it.
It’s going to be an awesome day tomorrow, so get ready for a big one!
Have a great night, and I’ll be back in the morning.
To Your Success,

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