- Bullseye Trades
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- Not a move I like to make very often 🤺
Not a move I like to make very often 🤺
Playing defense in trading
Some attribute it to a General like George Washington… because defense is so important in war.
Some attribute it to the Panther’s Stanley Cup win last night (my congratulations 🎉) … because defense is so important in sports.
But today, I want to show you that defense is really important in trading, too.
(Though I don’t need you to attribute the quote to me.)
“The best offense is a good defense.”
Listen, we all like it when stocks go up.
It’s a meme at this point.
The problem is: if all you know how to do is make moves when the stocks go up, you panic when they don’t.
(Oh, by the way, stocks will always go down at some point. Duh, right?)
It’s tricky to figure out when a stock will go down, though.
Last Friday, I saw the QQQ showing a clear sign of a drop-off… and I told my Alpha Hunter members that I was about to bet against the stock.
It’s not a move I like to make very often.
But just as I can’t resist a breakout above the 20-hour moving average line, I am also forced to respect a breakdown UNDER it.
Lo and behold, look what happens on the right side of this chart…
*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.
If you had seen that coming, you would’ve had a pretty good trading day.
You might have noticed, but QQQ’s crashed lower yesterday, which was exactly what the chart predicted.
I don’t like to stick around in a short position on QQQ very long, so I got out.
And wouldn’t you know it… I am back in on the LONG side today.
I just made a new QQQ trade to the upside with my fellow Alpha Hunters this afternoon.
I’m up $400 about an hour after the trade…
*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.
Hopefully, the win streak stays alive! I’ll keep you updated.
If you want to UP your trading skills, I’m your man and Alpha Hunter is your place to be.
Weekly small session training at 2pm EST…
Yes… you can even stalk me in there to ask about my Bullseye pick of the week —which was SPOT yesterday.
A daily run-down email with all of mine and Taiku’s convictions…
A trading record that speaks for itself…
Plus so much more!
No matter which direction the stocks are moving.
And learn how to add some defensive weapons to your war chest!
See you on the inside,

P.S. If you have questions about ANY of our services, reach out to Davis or Stephen at 1-800-485-5588. They’d love to hear from you!
đź‘Š And if you are newer to options trading, TWO great places to start are Market Navigator (daily SPY trading with Jeff Williams) and Bullseye Trades (my single highest conviction trade idea of the week released on Mondays). Give these a shot while there are some great deals available!
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