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- Official: 2024 in review (details inside)
Official: 2024 in review (details inside)
My wife made me triple-check these numbers

Every year, I like to sit down and run the numbers on last year’s performance.
Every trader should.
It gives you an honest look of what you did right, wrong, and negligible.
I was a little late to my own party here - because 2024 was a banner year for my Bullseye Trades service.
Here’s the rundown:
*Average peak potential gain: 221%.
*Average hold time: 5.5 days.
My wife didn’t buy it. We had our guy here double check it over the last week. Then she messaged my team this morning, “This just got confirmed.”
So I’ll repeat that, because sometimes you do get to toot your own horn: My plans averaged a gain of 221% with an average hold of only 5.5 days.*
All told, there were 28 trades that ultimately had the potential to run 100% or more.
We all know basic math… but to make it really simple, that shakes out to a potential TWO triple-digit gains a month. Again, on average.
I’m talking about top-performing, knock it out of the park trades like NFLX, with a peak gain of 281% in just 4 days.
Options on ERX, that bolted 471% in 14 days.
Or the year’s mega-play - the king of my 2024 record - AMD… with a 1,350% potential gain in just 9 days.
Not every trade works out like these. I had losses. But this is an honest review of 2024 for me.
I want you to see what’s possible with good trading, with dedication, and when things line up the way you need them to. They certainly have for my Bullseye Trades portfolio.
Just yesterday, my premium members (who receive my top pick of the DAY) got this trade plan in their inbox:
“I have been waiting on today’s stock for a for while now.
I might be a little early, but I think this one has made a great tradeable base, and is starting to make a move higher again.
I like the fact it hasn’t made an explosive move yet.
I don’t know that we will see that happen, but I don’t think there is a good chance of a continued uptrend from this level.”
The stock in question is one most people will recognize - SNOW.
I was right on the money with this. Even down to being a little early.
Ultimately, the option jumped 50% by the next day.
*Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.
It’s because of all our recent success that I decided to make my flagship service, Bullseye Trades, available at a great deal at this link here.
Because I know what good training can do…
I know what it means to see trades like these in real time… and to learn from them.
Especially when this adds up to one trade you make on a Monday.
Who doesn’t love that idea?
All the details are waiting for you at this link right here.
Keep in mind — this special rate is not guaranteed to last forever.
It’s my way of celebrating performance I’m really proud to share… and I hope you will make the effort to discover how it’s possible.
It starts by you clicking this link here now.
[NEXT PICK DROPS TUESDAY -Market closed Monday 🇺🇲]
To YOUR success,

*Note: Peak trading results and peak hold times are based on Jeff’s target entry as specified in BET email, calculated (to the best of our ability) by using the potential best exit at the highs of the potential trade. Peak hold time was also calculated similarly and based on the best potential exit at the highs of the potential trade. These do not represent Jeff’s personal, realized profits (except if noted). Options trade in a huge range from opening to expiry, and exact profits and losses depend on when the trade was entered and when exited. Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.
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