📉 Silicon Valley Tank

This little-known bank blew a hole in the market this past week


Life comes at you fast when you’re trading.

I can tell you that Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was not on the top 50 things I was monitoring going into Thursday last week.

But this weekend…it is suddenly the most important topic in the world.

Everyone on my social media feed was a Ukraine war expert a few months ago, then they became experts on the FTX bankruptcy, and now I am being flooded with dumb opinions on SVB.

If you want another opinion from someone who has lived through some real banking crises in my lifetime, I can tell you that this problem can be fixed and I don’t think it is going to be the next “Lehman moment” for the economy.

So, we are all now waiting anxiously to see what the Fed will do to clean up another irresponsible mess.

Speaking of “Lehman,” perhaps SVB should have kept closer eyes on the guy working there that was literally at the helm when Lehman went down?

Anyways, I think this might end up being a great week to bet against stocks.

When I attack a trade, I start from a top-down approach.

I start by using the best tools I have to identify the trend for the market in the coming week.

Then, I look for sectors that I think will perform the best in light of that.

I don’t want to look to buy stocks in a market that I think is going to be weak. I would much rather bet against stocks if I think the market is going lower.

Like they say…“The trend is your friend”

Trying to go against the overall trend is foolishness. It will frustrate you as a trader.

This week, I had solid reasons why the market would be very choppy at a minimum and likely dip lower.

Now, I am generally bullish, so it is rare that I want to bet against the market. But when the time is right, I am ready to make my move.

A great example of this is a few weeks ago when I spotted Moderna (MRNA) as looking particularly weak, and there was negative news out over the weekend.

I did my homework, and was ready to start betting against it as soon as the market opened on Monday.

It is a great example, here is how that trade played out…

You know the routine by now. I sent out my pre-market email game plan and app alert to the whole Bullseye team…

Then, I sent out my alert when the trade I alerted was filled…

This stock crashed faster than I expected, so I decided it was a wise move to take half of this trade off of the table the very same day. Heck, I was up 40% in just a few hours...

Then on Tuesday before the market opened, I saw that MRNA was still crashing (it had a terrible day even though the rest of the market rallied higher, so I was definitely on the right track).

Knowing that I would sell the rest of my position and lock up the quick win, I sent out this alert before I did anything…

Overall, I was pretty happy with this trade. I had a great reason to bet against the stock, and it played out really well – much quicker than I thought.

I know I didn’t trade it perfectly, and it will probably still go lower, but I was able to take a $5000 investment on Monday and turn it into $7800 the very next day.

(snapshot from my real-money trading journal)

Could I have made more? For sure.

But honestly, I am just a big chicken a lot of times. When I see a trade work out really quickly, I just want to put the profit in my pocket.

So I did.

Of course, not every trade can work out this fast (or at all), but I am doing my best each week to deliver my members the absolute best I can.

High-level trade analysis, a detailed game plan and some pretty freaking awesome trade ideas!

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I know it is nerve-wracking to take that leap, so I am going to make this as easy as possible for you.

Right now, I have slashed the price to join Bullseye Trades to an unbelievably low price.  

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On top of that, I will even stand behind this with a 100% risk-free promise.

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How can it get any easier than that?

I know it is easy to sit there and let another week go by, but why?

You’re only missing out on the best trading service you will find anywhere, and it won’t even cost you a dime if you don’t like it.

Why miss out on another great trade idea?

This is a tough market, you need Bullseye Trades by your side.

I’ve got a brand-new, great idea that is coming up tomorrow right before the market opens.

Don’t let another one pass you by.

It’s time to get started and join the team today! 

You’ll be glad you did.


P.S. Spend some time and look through the past trade ideas and education I have been delivering week after week and see for yourself if you think it could help you benefit as a trader.


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