This one is flying under the radar šŸ›¬

Get the details on a lithium play with massive potential.

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Good evening, folks!

Iā€™m finally back on land after my family and I took a cruise over the last week, including Christmas. šŸš¢šŸŒŠ

I hadnā€™t really considered it before, but it was great being able to spend the week relaxing with the family and not having to worry about preparing elaborate mealsā€¦

And the ships are so fancy these days, they even have special landing pads for Santa šŸŽ…šŸ» so you donā€™t miss out on any presents.

And I still managed to squeeze some work in, identifying two ā€œtactical tradeā€ ideasā€¦

Thursdayā€™s idea was phenomenal ā€” soaring as high as 26% that day ā€” and I notice it was up 6% in after-hours trading on Friday.

Fridayā€™s idea did great out of the gate, but tracked lower along with the markets, ultimately closing down a few percentage points. It erased those minor losses in after-hours trading, so it technically ended the day in the green.

Now Iā€™m zeroed in on another ā€œtacticalā€ idea that has serious upside potential.

Itā€™s a company that went public in July and thatā€™s making a huge play in the American lithium space.

It announced some critical developments this month and has attracted the attention of the likes of Bloomberg, which revealed the company had a pro forma value of $490 million, including debt.

Itā€™s covered by only one analyst at this point, but he gives the stock a 12-month price target thatā€™s 185% over its current price.

Iā€™m working on a full writeup on this idea right now and will post all the details on this page at precisely 9am EST.

So be sure to grab a fresh coffee ā˜• and lock in tomorrow morning. This oneā€™s a must-read.

To Your Success,

Jeff Bishop


PS Donā€™t also forget my LAST Bullseye Pick of the YEAR lands promptly by 9:20am. Iā€™ll be live trading it at 11am - so make sure youā€™re on my Bullseye list!



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