This trade idea was GOLD, Jerry, GOLD!

Get JW's next golden idea on Monday

Happy weekend, Guys & Gals! Jeff Williams here.

I sure hope you had a great week of trading my friends because I sure did.

Largely impart to my Weekly Wiretap’s “Play of the Week” which was GDX calls!

Did you know that my Weekly Wiretaps service is a great entry level service that’s comparable to “Bullseye Trades” that focuses on my single highest conviction SWING trade idea for the week.

I believe that this is a great service for those who don’t have a ton of time to WATCH markets but like the idea of a swing trade that might last 1-5 days in length. 

Sure, I can’t predict if I’ll sell the trade for a win or loss in 15 minutes or 15 days but the goal here is to look for a great short term swing idea and then play the options for 1-3 days in time, rinse and repeat.

So every Monday I share with Weekly Wiretap members my top idea for the week with the goal of buying on Day 1 and selling within a few days while having a target profit of 20 to 40% of gains!

This week I went with GDX calls as you can see from the chart below. I just felt with all the market uncertainty that GOLD would be a great “safe haven” idea and dang was it ever!

I entered the GDX calls at $1.10 avg by late Monday afternoon and by the closing time on Friday, those calls were pushing $3 DOLLARS!

That’s a 150% PLUS swing trade idea.

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

I’m all sold now and am ready to go this coming Monday once again with a brand new idea.

Each idea is sent to Weekly Wiretap members via email at 9am on Monday morning, a full 30 minutes before markets even open so you can do your due diligence on the idea and see if it fits what you like or not.

I’ll also send you smartphone App alerts before I ever buy, add, or sell the idea. I call this “Advanced Notice” and I think it’s a great way for members to see what I am about to buy / sell before I take action. What a great way to learn!

If you’re looking to get started in options trading OR if you just would like my TOP trade idea sent to you each Monday morning then check out Weekly Wiretaps service right here.

The value is awesome right now and the price is moved to SELL!

And if you have any questions feel free to give my buddy Davis a call at the phone number listed below.

Alright, I hope to see you on Weekly Wiretaps before Monday so I can share my next bullish trade idea with you. Maybe it will be another GDX type runner? 

Wouldn't that be nice!?!


P.S. Check out Jason Bond’s & Jeff Bishop’s daily trading service - Mission to Million. Awesome SALE happening right now —> take $500 off until Wednesday!

Call Davis for questions: 1-443-269-8824 / [email protected].

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