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- A top question I get from members
A top question I get from members
A lot of people don’t get this at first, but I’ll make this very easy to understand

Tuesday night 4/18, 8pm EST [FREE]: Wall Street Bookie (*Session 6). Watch me as I teach my son (a total newbie) how to trade options -- come check out his progress 💪 in the Wall Street Bookie Room → open 8pm EST Tues.

*Sessions 1-5 available in the WSB archives for paid members.
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Hey Folks!
One question I get from members a lot is, “Why would you want to sell options, when you can make so much more money buying them?”
It’s a valid point and one that I need to address a lot.
Assuming you have bought options, you know they are very hard to make money with. You need to be right on the direction, the timing, and also speed at which the stock moves to your strike price.
Sure, you can make gains well in excess of 100% or more… but how often does that really happen for you?
Odds are that it doesn’t happen often.
That is what I like about selling them. The odds are in my favor, and the way the math works, I should win more often than I lose.
Sure, sometimes I will lose by making these bets, but more often than not, I should win. These are terrible bets, after all.
So far this year, I have been doing pretty well, I think, when it comes to all of the trades that I have been showing and teaching to Wall Street Bookie members.

(You can keep track of these as I keep closing out trades on this page)
I recently closed out a good trade that I’d like to break down and show you how it worked.
What I am really trying to do is sell the worst “bets” to people who want to take excessive gambles.
What I am looking for is a good stock that I can sell puts to someone who thinks the stock is going lower. Of course, good stocks don’t go down often, so I think I have pretty good odds there.
The same type of thing when I find a “bad stock”. I want to sell calls to someone who thinks it will keep going higher, and they normally don’t.
Just like the case with SNOW last week. The stock had terrible earnings not too long ago, and the stock crashed.
Then, it suddenly rallied for no apparent reason other than to “squeeze shorts”.
I took advantage of that and sold someone calls that had a low probability of success.
Then, when SNOW dropped (in this case, the very next day), I was there to buy back the contracts I sold to the “sucker,” but at a 45% lower price.
That 45% is my profit as the seller.

(actual screenshot of my trading journal showing the 45% or $1500 I made overnight)
That is the beautiful part of this. When the buyer loses (and when it comes to buying options, you probably know the seller usually loses), that is when the seller wins!
Now, if you are new to this (and 99% of people are), then Wall Street Bookie is the perfect place for you.
On top of sending you my top ideas each day with explicit descriptions of where I want to make trades, daily updates on existing trades, and live weekly training sessions, I also send out alerts to everyone before I make a trade.
Those alerts look just like this from the SNOW trade above.
When I want to enter the trade…
And when I want to close out the trade…
I have really tried to make this teaching experience as easy as possible.
On top of that, I have created a whole library of video training sessions for you to go through and learn on-demand at your own pace.
You also get an exclusive time with me LIVE every Tuesday, where we will look at upcoming trades, and I will answer any questions you have on option selling.
It’s the perfect time to look at and execute new live trades and review existing trades in my real-money portfolio.
If you have any trouble understanding what any of this means or how to make these types of trades… don’t worry! You can ask me anything on Tuesday each week.
Trust me. I’ve looked around… You can’t get a better tutor!
Right now, it is incredibly easy to get started with Wall Street Bookie.
I have just opened a super-low cost trial if you want to take this for a test drive and see if selling options are for you (hint: it IS for you!).
Or, if you want to commit to working with me for a full year, I have dropped the price dramatically. You can lock in an unbelievable rate right now, and you will be grandfathered for future years as you want to keep working with me.
I truly think this is the service that everyone should be a part of.
It is crucial that you learn to trade differently and get a totally new perspective on the market.
This will radically change the way you think about trading… in a good way!
Don’t let another week go by without putting the power of the “Bookie” in your corner.

P.S. If you have any questions about any of my services, call Jeff Brown @ 800-585-4488 or ([email protected]), and he would be happy to talk about any special offers, payment plans, and help you in any way possible.
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