Un-American to short the Market on Day 1 📉

Avoiding my first hiney bite of the year

In partnership with

Good evening Folks

I have to admit this morning’s trading session started a bit worrisome.

Sellers everywhere – people, it’s “UN-AMERICAN” to short the Market the 1st day of the year!

Boo on you 👎

But my Bullseye members and I were patient. 

I jumped in early to my trade plan of the DAY: Calls on IWM.

We watched it TANK

I was considering exiting for a loss.  

But waited
 and thankfully not for too long though.

Look at that nice sharp bounce 📈 – a thing of beauty indeed!

Decided to feed the ducks and exited half my position for a nice win:

*Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

As usual, I took some off the table (perhaps too early?) but it’s good to lock in some $$$ and let the rest ride.

NO hiney/hinney bites – aka taking a big loss after it was a big win.

The stock reversed again (DOWN) so I sold the other half for a small loss.  

Overall I was up on IWM today and decided NOT to jump back in as the market was falling apart.

I’m not going to lie - today was a tough market day.  Lots of twists and turns 📉📈📉

How did it go for you?  Which side are you on? Bullish or bearish? Both? 

Looks like 2025 has established trading will NOT be for the faint of heart and you gotta stick to your rules and stay nimble 🧘.

So I’m inviting you to stay NIMBLE with me and my members!

Two ways to do that:

#1 »> Give me a try in Bullseye Trades: My #1 Trade Plan of the Week (released Monday mornings) + my 11AM EST training session (also on Monday).  2024 rates still available → Jan 6th Bullseye rates on this order form increase from $297 to $899.

OR #2 »> [BRAND NEW] Dive in head first to Jason Bond’s and my brand new top-tier service - Black Label Trades(Starting up next week so get ready!)  This is where most of our live trading and best training will take place (and includes my Pick of the Week).  If you’re feeling unafraid, go for the whole enchilada HERE. Stay tuned for more info

Whatever you decide, remember to stay NIMBLE in 2025 - it’s already shaping up to be a wild ride!

See you soon,

P.S. Questions about anything? Call 1-800-585-4488 or email Davis Martin ([email protected]).

*together with the Daily Upside

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